Liu Bolin 
Red Hand No.10, 2008
Fiber Glass
120 x 30 x 20 cm


“Red Hand”, that is a series started in July 2007 from the creation of sculpture, by the enthusiastic response to the Western market, Liu Bolin is famous. In the Works, some red or white boy is always with his eyes covered. Liu Bolin use Chromic and smooth material, the boysstanding in a positive posture. In red hands, man has become blind. Liu Bolin creates a vivid looks like an interesting world, but in fact it is not so gentle, it reflects a generation after the Cultural Revolution, he himself being one of them. Liu Bolin thinks that he is more realistic rather than an idealistic artist, with the ability to visualize emotional confusion.
He is known as “The Invisible Man” and, aside from painting, he is also a performance artist.

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